Your Personalized Wellness Program

“Our Food Should Be Our Medicine & Our Medicine Should Be Our Food”
Hi, I'm Rupel......
A Certified Functional Medicine Holistic Nutritionist, Registered Nurse, Ayurveda Lifestyle Coach, Certified Kundalini-Hatha Yoga Teacher, Meditation-Breathwork Instructor, and a Reiki Energy Healer. Based in Vancouver, Canada.
I am passionate in helping people connect with their bodies, mind, and spirit and use their innate wisdom to support their healing journey through the use of modern nutrition practices, energy healing, and the ancient eastern wisdom of Ayurveda.

You've tried many things, diets, supplements, medical treatments, and nothing has worked. Its time to get down to the root cause and stop with band-aid solutions to treat your symptoms.
Are you Sick and Tired Of ....
Ongoing Digestive Issues?
Indigestion, bloating, gas, stomach pain, reflux, constipation, loose stools or any combination that impacts your travels, eating at restaurants or doing things you enjoy.
Unknown Symptoms?
Such as constant fatigue, low energy, joint pain, skin issues, sensitivity to certain foods, brain fog, feelings of disassociation, sleep deprivation, weight gain and you’re not quite sure why.
Questioning "Is this my New Normal"?
You’ve been told by professionals that “everything is normal” – but you still don’t feel like yourself despite lots of medical visits, labs, medications, supplements, or diets. You may still continue to have these issues and feel confused about what to do. Maybe you've even been told there is nothing else you can do to feel better.
Feeling frustrated with what to eat?
You’re unsure about what to eat, and have tried every food fad leaving you confused and frustrated that its become more work than pleasure.
Live a Life You Love
If you answered "YES" to any of the above, I hear you. I was in the same boat....I know you are frustrated, it is understandable. But I’m here to tell you: Suffering in your body is NOT normal.
There are reasons as to why you feel the way you do. The good news is, there is a solution. No more "band aid solutions, and quick fixes". Let's be honest, they don't work for the long term. It takes time and patience to heal naturally and holistically. Your health and wellbeing is a priority.
Are you ready for a NEW YOU?
